Three resources to explore from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
National Marine Sanctuary
An online vault where a comprehensive collection of select video clips and high-resolution still images from America's underwater treasures are securely stored and available for searchable access and download.
Local Fisheries Knowledge Project
Looking through the lens of marine fisheries, high school students learn about history, culture, science, language arts, and business as part of NOAA’s pilot Local Fisheries Knowledge Project.
NOAA Shoreline Website
This website was developed and designed by the NOAA Coastal Services Center. The purpose of this resource is "to eliminate confusion about vector shoreline data by providing information about and access to shorelines that are generated by federal agencies." Visitors to the site are able to access shoreline data, searching by type of data, application, and scale. There are also features on shoreline mapping history, policy and management, and applications such as cartographic representation.