Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Book Review: The Thumb Guide to Raingardens

The Thumb Guide to Raingardens: Design and Installation for Homeowners in the Upper Midwest
By Rusty Schmidt, Dan Shaw and David Dods

This manual, written by self-proclaimed "raingarden geeks," gives a step-by-step process for planting your own raingarden here in the Midwest. Actually, the planting zone and manual are relevant as far west as Nebraska and Kansas and as far east as Ohio, including every state in between. The three authors provide examples of sizing the garden to property, selection and description of plant choices, long-term care, and common questions about raingardens. There are even blueprint garden designs in the back of the book. With all this information, new raingardeners can't go wrong.

This is book is part of a new collection of books on Rain Gardens at Wisconsin's Water Library. Please take a look at the complete reading list on the library website. If you are a Wisconsin resident and would like to check out this or any other book, please fill out our book request form. If you are a UW student, faculty or staff, please use MadCat.