Thursday, January 7, 2010

Feature: Wisconsin County & Municipal Web Mapping Sites

From David Hart, Wisconsin Sea Grant:


Most county governments in Wisconsin (63 of 72 or 88%) have developed publicly accessible, interactive web mapping sites. An additional five counties have sites in development. This web site provides a means to access those that are available to the public and to track those sites in development. It does not attempt to inventory county government web sites that provide only tabular access to tax assessment records.

County web mapping sites can be accessed by clicking on the pink counties on the map below. Counties with web mapping sites in development are colored in yellow. Links to county web mapping sites, county web mapping services, and municipal web mapping sites are provided in the tables below the map and will open in a separate browser window.

Interactive web mapping sites in Wisconsin can also be discovered and accessed through other sources. The Wisconsin Land INformation Clearinghouse (WiscLINC) is maintained by the Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office. Click on the Catalog tab. Under the Search dialog, choose Select All under the Places Menu and choose Interactive Maps for the Resource Type. You can also search for web mapping services. Jerry Sullivan of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources maintains a comprehensive guide on Streaming Web Mapping Services to Your Desktop (November 2008). Several Wisconsin regional planning commissions keep track of county and municipal web mapping sites in their region, including the Southeastern Wisconsin RPC, the Bay-Lake RPC, the East Central Wisconsin RPC, and the North Central Wisconsin RPC.