Thursday, November 8, 2012

Open Access Science Resources

Open Access has made it possible gain access to high quality, peer-reviewed scientific research and information without the prohibitive cost associated with many subscription resources. 

Open Access Week was just observed October 22-28 and resulted in the sharing of many useful resources.   We came across Matthew Von Hendy's blog post "Open Access Science Resources" and wanted to highlight five of his suggestions.
  1. Science Gov:  is a government website allowing users to search over 50 U.S. government science-related databases and websites. websites improvements were the subject of a recent AquaLog post, available here.
  2. offers a federated search that covers national and international government science resources.
  3. Public Library of Science : publishes seven high quality peer-reviewed open access journals.
  4. Toxnet:  Offers access to the United States National Library of Medicine databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and toxic releases.
  5. DOE Information Systems: offers a federated search covering Department of Energy related research, articles and conference proceedings.
For more Open Access suggestions, consult Matthew Von Hendy's complete blog post here 
Open Access Week information here