Friday, November 19, 2010

Great Lakes Earth Partnership

Earth Partnership for Schools (EPS), a statewide initiative, is growing. Founded in 1991, the program is meant to connect people with the land and water where they live. One of the program's goals is to allow children to experience nature while at school. Ecological restoration is another main focus. EPS helps young ones to understand their connection to the land and how they can help to give back.

Phase I of the Great Lakes Earth Partnership, a new regional EPS initiative funded by Wisconsin Sea Grant, recently took place in waters across the state including the Milwaukee River, estuaries of Lake Superior, the Kakagon Wild Rice Sloughs and others. Findings of the different teams will be discussed in Green Bay this winter. Read more about phase I in the Arboretum News Release.

Phase II is scheduled to continue in 2011 with funding from the EPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

Photo courtesy of UW Arboretum.