Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Make a Splash--Read

The Water Library is already preparing for summer. That's because kids will be making big splashes across Wisconsin next year. The 2010 public library summer reading program is called, "Make a Splash--Read." Kids everywhere will be jumping into exciting books on water.

To help public librarians, we've developed storytime ideas for two of of our favorite water-related subjects: frogs and fishing. Read, learn, create, and listen. The storytimes include book suggestions, crafts, and songs.

Make a foamy frog. Learn a silly song about fish.

We also compiled a list of some the best children's books about frogs and fishing. And don't forget, most books can be checked out directly from the Water Library!

Visit our website to learn more...

Storytime ideas
All about frogs reading list
All fish and fishing reading list